This years Miss Rodeo Enterprise is MiKayla Huston. MiKayla is the 17 year old daughter of Mike & Kim Huston from St. George. MiKayla is currently living in Heber City Utah and will be attending UVU in August. She would like to dedicate this year as the Enterprise Rodeo Queen to her best friend Warren Jr Jones who passed away and in remembrance of Aaron Boyd, and Lane Burgess. One of MiKayla's favorite quotes is , "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
The American Legion 1st Princess is Mckayla Jimerson. Mckayla is the 15 year old daughter of John and Sandy Jimerson from New Harmony. She will be attending Cedar High School as a Junior this year and enjoys competing in High School Rodeo. She competes in the Breakaway Roping, Barrel Racing and Queening. In her spare time she enjoys hunting, fishing and camping, and loves to spend time with her friends and family outdoors! She feels privileged and honored to represent the American Legion Rodeo as a positive role model. |
Adilynn Coughlin is the 9 year old daughter of Darren and Tara Coughlin from St. George. Adi enjoys taking care of her animals and also enjoys BMX biking, arts and crafts, school, and spending time with her friends, cousins, brother Junior, and little sister Isabelle. Adi and her horse Oreo love Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tail Pulling, and Horse 4-H. Adi feels very blessed to be promoting the greatest sport on Dirt- RODEO!!! Especially for the War Heros of the American Legion Post 80. |